my M/M Books By Tropes
(Extra) Affectionate/Romantic Heroes
Age Gap
Mixed Motives (Heart2Heart)
Best Friends to Lovers
Bisexual Awakening (or other sexual awakening)
Grand Gestures (bigger than usual)
Mixed Motives (Heart2Heart)
Found Family
Lessons in Love (teach me your manwhore ways)
Low-ish Angst
All of them?
Marriage of Convenience
Adult entertainer: Notorious
Food service: Delicious, Undone
Child care: Unmanageable
Farmers: ILYBSM
Firefighters: TMI
Lawyers: Ambiguous, Studious, Oblivious, Ferocious
Office: Undone, Unmanageable, Studious, Curious
Politician: Notorious
Rideshare driver: Ferocious
Royalty: Off Track
Sports: Off Track
Students: The Nøkk and the Jock
Writing/Arts/Photography: Delicious, Ambiguous, TMI, Unmanageable
Opposites Attract
Reformed Playboi MC
Rock Star
Roommates to Lovers
Second Chance
Single Dad
Size Difference
Virgin MC
No Third-Act Breakup
All of them?
Vers MCs
Woke up married in Las Vegas