Community Standards
Dear Facebook:
I have just returned from 3 days in Facebook jail for posting a PG-13 image in the comments in a closed group. The image had been previously shared on Facebook.
Now, I adore Facebook. I love how it brings people together, and how we can share in each other’s lives.
But I would be remiss if I didn’t advocate for myself and for a change in rules.
I understand that Facebook may want “Community Standards,” however the problem is that the standards are constantly changing, enforced inconsistently, and do not represent MY community.
I’m a romance writer. I love images of love. I adore sensual, romantic, artistic photos of people that make me feel emotions. For years, I’ve been enjoying posting these images on Facebook to discuss with my friends and readers. The images aren’t rated X or R. (I don’t have a problem with X or R, but I am a responsible adult who can keep from posting such pictures on Facebook.)
The change in rules took me by surprise, though, and Facebook gave me 3 days to think about it. I’ve come to one conclusion.
I do not believe that PG-13 images should be suppressed, especially when posted in the comments of a private group. Especially when the images are of love.
I would encourage Facebook to dial back its algorithms for “nudity” (there was none) and dial up its algorithms for violence, bullying, and hate.
Because that would truly represent MY “community standards.”
Me being all Zen about Facebook jail.