Romance Reinvented.

Leslie McAdam's blog

young royals

I get into these deep dive obsessions about different things. Usually it’s a book, movie, television show, historical figure, actor, singer, event in history, era in history … okay, so usually it’s a thing I’m interested in, whatever that thing might be. If I get interested in a particular actor, I’ll watch every movie they’ve ever been in and read every article I can find. A new favorite author, I’ll read their entire catalog. Et cetera.


Soooo the current obsession is the show on Netflix called Young Royals. Unusual for me is that it’s television, since I watch so little. A show has to be exceptional for me to watch the whole thing. And I think I’m on my third viewing in a week.


Side note: Can you tell I submitted my manuscript to the editor and have a little time?




This show hits all my buttons. It’s like the creators reached into my brain and tailor-made a show for me.


Superb acting, writing, directing, editing, music, costumes, and all the other bits that go into making a show. I love how “real” the kids are—not airbrushed perfection, but natural. I think it also makes them more vulnerable, and consequently, more courageous. They aren’t hiding.


I love the absolutely perfect love story, the soapy, drama! plot points, the representation and romance—in many senses of the word.


Since I’m on more than 900 days in a row of learning Swedish on Duolingo, I also appreciate the puzzle of trying to sort out how much Swedish I understand. (And I also was pleasantly surprised by the Spanish.)


But there are just so many heartwarming emotions, super sweet scenes, and perfect moments. Check it out if you haven’t already.

A still from Netflix’s Young Royals showing Omar Rudberg and Edvin Ryding

A still from Netflix’s Young Royals showing Omar Rudberg and Edvin Ryding