In romance author circles, the Clifton Strengths test is trendy, and I took it the other week. It’s a personality test for 34 different attributes like “achiever” or “intellection.”
While I tend to think of these ways of categorizing people as glorified horoscopes—interesting, but you can shapeshift it into applying to just about anything—my most dominant trait surprised the hell out of me.
It was empathy.
At first, I thought they got it wrong because I often feel like I have difficulty with emotions.
So, like, what the hell? How did it get it so wrong?
But then I realized my issue is I have difficulty identifying my own emotions. I have no trouble at all, however, connecting with others, especially on a one-on-one basis. I can sense what people are feeling, and I usually want to make it better. No matter what.
Well, maybe Clifton got it right after all.
But this test is supposed to be information to allow you to play to your strengths, especially in your work.
So, like, what do I do with empathy? Go around empathizing?
Usually, I write these things trying to put forth something that might help you think. But with this one, I’m just processing. If you have a practical suggestion for what I can do with empathy, I’m all ears.