The Best [Life] Advice -- part one [RuPaul edition]
I watched RuPaul’s MasterClass ealier this year and took down a few pithy quotes that have stayed with me.
My favorite quote?
“Allow the world to love you back.”
Isn’t this good advice? So many people give love but don’t allow themselves to receive it. (Or give anything—money, time, advice, affection—but don’t allow people do to it back.
That causes blockages in the system.
I consider my family to be a constant flow of goods and services. My dad watches my kids. He brings home with him my quilting supplies so my mom can borrow them. My mom uses the quilting supplies to make me a quilt. We host Thanksgiving here. My mom brings pies. My brother hosts D&D. We call get something out of the giving and receiving.
Listen to RuPaul and allow it in—love, money, success, affection, good times. Don’t be the one blocking off your own good.
Bonus RuPaul quotes I liked:
Failure allows you to find the places you had no idea existed.
[As a response to negative people] Thanks for sharing, but that was never the truth.
Being in the game is the prize.
Image of RuPaul from MasterClass