Romance Reinvented.

Leslie McAdam's blog

trying again

Last Saturday, I wrote a blog post, but I was in Zion National Park with insufficient WiFi and cell service to post it. Last Wednesday, I was home again, but forgot to write anything. So, it’s been a week since I’ve posted.


The purpose of this blog post is to have a blog post. I know that doesn’t sound profound, but when I’m in the habit of doing something (good) and then miss a day (or two), the most important thing is to make sure to do it again, without judgment about the missing days. So I missed a few days? So what?


It’s taken me a long time to have a broader view of time. I often feel like I don’t have enough time to do everything I want to do. If I could, I’d have two books open at the same time as an audiobook, a YouTube video on an iPad, my laptop, and the TV. That’s simply too much, and I can’t focus or enjoy any of it. But I can feel like I am running out of time.


When I remind myself that I can take breaks and be imperfect, but still come back to the habit I want (publishing blog posts to get myself used to “putting myself out there”), then I feel like I’ve learned something. I feel calmer, less anxious. Proud of myself for sticking with it, even if I can’t do it perfectly.


Is there something you want to do but don’t do because you can’t do it perfectly? Allow yourself to just do it anyway.

image of a family in a slot canyon near Zion National Park