Romance Reinvented.

Leslie McAdam's blog

Undone ... coming August 12, 2021

Today, I just wanted to blog about my upcoming release. I don’t usually spend too much time in these pages talking about actual projects that you can buy. I tend to focus more on writing process or mental health issues or mindset.


Still, I suppose my mental health right now is tied to the fact that I have a big book coming out next month, and I’ve been patiently waiting to share it with the world. I’m also noticing what it’s like to move into a slightly different genre.


Undone is my first full-length mm romance novel. I’m super proud of it. Early reviews are really good, so I’m pleased that it’s getting the reception that I’d hoped for.


This was one of those stories that I was so enthusiastic about the whole time writing it. It really was a joy to write, not a job. Murph—sigh.  I love him. He’s got personality to spare.


Jason was a little harder to write because he doesn’t really come into his own until later in the book. He’s stifled himself so much that his personality only comes out in very subtle ways—like his artistic habits—until he finally gives himself the freedom to be who he really is and who he wants to be. Still, though, I think he’s the kind of boyfriend Murph deserves.


This was also a book that I heavily outlined because the publisher required it, and in writing it, I pretty much stuck to the outline. I found that it was much easier to use than trying to come up with what to write on a daily basis. Note to self: outline more.


This was also the first book that I used a professional editor in the manner in which an editor is meant. (I’ve had editorial help before, but this was the first time I had someone dive into the whole project like this. I learned so very much and I can’t wait to send her more work.) Pro help is worth it.


So, lessons learned for me: Follow a storyline that I’m completely invested in, love my characters wholeheartedly, try to make it as entertaining as possible, get lots of help, plan, and do it. Finish it. Send it in.


Start the next one.


Undone is out August 12. Be sure to preorder here.