Romance Reinvented.

Leslie McAdam's blog

put your ass where your heart is

Along the lines of my last post—letting the main thing be the main thing—another mantra I have rolling around in my head is “put your ass where your heart is” courtesy of Steven Pressfield.


The phrase makes me laugh because it’s anatomically impossible and yet completely descriptive.


If there’s something you really want to do—draw a picture, write a poem, take a French class, go skiing—put your ass where your heart is.


We spend so much time talking about the things we want to do. And little time actually doing them. This little phrase reminds me to knock that off.


Because we only have this life, but it’s made of all sorts of moments. And the more moments you spend doing what your heart desires the happier your life will be.


It’s really that simple.

unsplash heart on boards