84 days
I did a thing recently, where I decided to block off 100 days, and see what I did during that period of time. It’s pretty easy to see if you’re getting 1% better, because each day is 1%.
Today is day 84. Yes, I should probably wait for this evaluation another 16 days, but I’m impatient—or at least I was feeling like I hadn’t accomplished anything, so I thought I’d take a look at what I’ve done the past 84 days.
This is not to make anyone compare themselves with me. This is because if you discount yourself the way I do, I challenge yourself to keep track.
In the last 84 days, I published a book (Undone) (which has done really well), wrote the first draft of another book (a “teach me your manwhore ways” book for NaNoWriMo), and am closing in on finishing edits of a third book about a rock star.
I wrote and posted 22 blog posts, not counting this one.
I saved money, lost a few pounds, paid off my car, and had some other cool things happening, in addition to doing my day job and taking a vacation to Hawaii. (Also, went to a Dodger game, saw Hamilton, went to the movies in the theater, and so on.)
Why am I listing these? Even when I’m not done with my 100 days?
Because without listing them, my natural inclination is to discount what I’ve done and think I haven’t done anything.
I’m wrong.
I challenge you, if you tend to think you’re not getting anywhere, block off time in 100 days and try to do something 1% better every day.
Really cool things happen.
I can’t wait for my next 100 days.