Finishing something is such a small part of life.
Read More… think about who I would be without this whole piece of me—the writing, creative piece
Read MoreEmotion is where the good stuff is.
Read More“How did you accomplish that? Same as everything else. Gradually, then all at once.” – James Clear
Read MoreI guess I really am a creative shark. Must keep swimming—writing—to stay alive. If I stay stagnant, I’ll die.
Read Morepessimists need not apply
Read Morepetrichor: a pleasant smell that frequently accompanies the first rain after a long period of warm, dry weather.
Read Moreis it worth it to portray something so insensitive and antisocial? Or does that perpetuate things we don’t want?
Read MoreI don’t always need to be in competition with my past self.
Read MoreThe only answer I know—and the reason for this blog post—is to tell myself that I just have to enjoy the process.
Read MoreReading a romance novel is the spectator sport for people who love to watch others falling in love, and at least I personally can’t get enough of it.
Read MoreSo, perhaps what I need to get over—to solve my overwhelmed-ness—is thinking that my self-care needs to look like anyone else’s. It doesn’t. And perhaps, for me, self-care isn’t so much about doing less but doing different things, with a different attention and intention.
Read MoreI need to show respect back to beta readers, editors, alpha readers, and critique feedback partners who help me. I see you putting yourself out there to tell me your opinions.
Read MoreI’m a human being, not a human producer.
Read MoreI can’t quite articulate why the couple is in love with each other. I can certainly feel the love develop and strengthen in the book(s), so it’s not a question of whether they are in love. They are, and I can sense that emotion. I’m just trying to analyze why.
Read MoreI came across this phrase: “Expectations are premeditated resentments.” Well, hell.
Read MoreSecretly, I want to finish it now so I can almost sneak it in between publishing, just in case it falls short.
Read MoreLast week, though? Last week I ended up with my most hours billed and words written all year (granted, we’re in week seven, but still). More, I ended up totally in the flow.
Read MoreI think the trick is finding the ones who your (my) work IS for and doubling down on that.
Read MoreI set aside my prejudices against doing things old-school style and set up shop.
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